Help nuns educate desperately poor students in the Congo

Front Royal, Virginia


43% funded

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$20,000.00 USD goal
91 days to go
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Help nuns educate desperately poor students in the Congo


43% funded

Campaign beneficiary:

Angelic Sisters of St. Paul

Created By:

profile image

Tim Jackson


Category: Pro-Family

Start Date: July 24, 2024

The Angelic Sisters of St. Paul are educating hundreds of desperately poor students in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Having heard about the Sisters' incredible work and the extent of the poverty in the DRC, we at LifeSiteNews are hopeful that many students might benefit from this fundraising campaign.

It costs $100 per year for a student to be educated with the Sisters, so any gift you can afford towards these costs is so greatly appreciated.

Please watch the Sisters' video below and consider donating to their work with the poorest of the poor. 

Thank you, 
Tim Jackson
Director of Advocacy

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