Derby, Kansas
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Create a peer-to-peer fundraiserCreate a personal goal to help raise money for this fundraiser. Learn more
Create a peer-to-peer fundraiserStart date: April 20, 2023
PLEASE NOTE: All Saints Ministries relies on providence and generous donations to do the work of the Blessed Mother. Operation expenses total about $4200 a month.
Hello everyone! All Saints Ministry is in need of your financial help!! We rely entirely on the generosity of others and couldn’t do this important work without your help.
Our mission is to:
Raising these funds enables us(my assistant and I ) to plan for the future so that every punch we pack will have as much impact as possible.
Please consider donating if the ministry has helped you or you believe in its efforts! Every little bit helps so much. What we raise will directly impact the amount of people we can help. If you happen to have a following or know someone who may be willing to help us, please share this campaign.
May God bless you all abundantly! Thank you for your consideration.
All Saints Ministry